The tradition of offering Masses for the intentions of family and friends, those who are living or deceased, dates back to the early Church. Daily priests around the world offer Masses. The priest celebrates each Mass for a particular person or an intention. As Canon 945 section 1 states, “In accord with the approved practice of the Church, any priest celebrating or concelebrating is permitted to receive an offering to apply the Mass for a specific intention”. The Church lays out strict guidelines to shape this practice so that it cannot be abused and also to avoid the idea that we are "selling" Masses.
Each of us prays for our family and friends when we go to God. In the same way, we ask that the most perfect prayer, the Mass, be offered to God for a particular intention. People request Masses to be said for those who have died, those who are ill, those who face a challenge, or in thanksgiving for the gift of life, a blessing received, or some other grace God has provided.
Since there are many people who desire to have Masses said for family and friends, we have two Masses each weekend which are allowed for multiple intentions. In addition, the pastor of a parish is required to offer Mass for the good of the souls entrusted to his care, the Pro Populo Mass, each Sunday and Solemnity. These Masses rotate each week between the three Masses. All other Masses scheduled are allowed one intention.
If you would like to have a Mass offered for a loved one, please use the form below. You may return it to the parish office with a check, cash or money order. The suggested offering for a Mass is $5.00, however, if you cannot afford the offering please still contact the parish office.